

Diosdado Cabello, first vice-president of the PSUV
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 28/05/2024 02:20 PM

This Tuesday, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, was present at the solemn session for the birth of the eponymous hero general, Jacinto Lara, in which he highlighted the loyalty of the independence hero.

“He fought under the command of Miranda, Bolívar, Sucre, Urdaneta, Ribas, Páez, Mariño and Piar, hardly any other Venezuelan has had the opportunity to fight and fight in the War of Independence under the command of these giants, there was Jacinto Lara and he didn't disappoint any of them,” said Cabello.

Cabello, in the framework of the recognition of the heroes of Independence, stressed that Commander José Tomás Boves “was the first to talk about the people's war and Bolívar learned from him

In addition, Cabello praised the independence hero's incredible ability to resist 18 years of relentless war.

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