

Cabello described the EU's pretensions as a lack of respect for the people of Venezuela

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 14/05/2024 12:48 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, described the pretensions of the European Union (EU) as rude and disrespectful to the People of Venezuela.

“We don't need you to lift sanctions on us. We have demonstrated to you that despite the sanctions, we have succeeded,” said Cabello Rondón, during a Zoom meeting of the PSUV with state, municipal and regional structures.

He also stated that the European Union has a colonialist mentality, they think they are the owners of the world, “they build a hegemony based on hate”.

“Gentlemen of the European Union, you are an evil for the world, you harm the world by believing yourself to be superior,” added Cabello Rondón.

The first vice-president of the PSUV, said that the sanctions against Venezuela are to steal the country's assets, “a good part of them has been stolen by the European Union.”

In that regard, he applauded the dignity of the electoral authorities who yesterday, in a statement, rejected the pretensions of the European Union in an attempt at coercion.

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