

Cabello denounced a plan to attack the Argentine embassy in the country and blame the Venezuelan State

Diosdado Cabello Rondón, Sectorial Vice President of Public Security and Peace Policy
Courtesy: MPPIJP

Published at: 14/09/2024 01:25 PM

This Saturday, in statements to the press, the sectoral vice-president of Public Security and Peace Policy, Diosdado Cabello Rondón, denounced the plan to attack the Argentine embassy in Venezuela to blame the State.

After the seizure of more than 400 rifles, Cabello reported that in the Argentine embassy in Venezuela there are, as refugees, terrorists who intended to carry out a self-attack to blame the State.

“This turned around perfectly the fact that if they attacked the Argentine embassy, it was immediate that they were going to blame the Venezuelan government,” he emphasized.

Because of these links, Diosdado Cabello reported that they were arrested: Belén Salas, alias “the girl”, Diomelis Rincón and Jesús David Chirinos Rodríguez”.

Cabello explained that after intelligence work, it was possible to reach Mr. José Miguel Estrada, who is being arrested and convicted for the frustrating assassination of the President of the Republic on August 4.

“He is under arrest, some phones were seized and groups are beginning to appear on WhatsApp and other social networks where we reached Núñez Daniel Chourio Navas, González García, Renny Regino, Roberto Antonio Primera and José Miguel Estrada.”

He also highlighted that in the Rodeo II Detention Center there are some people who are being held: Yánez Martínez, Luis Humberto González García and Renny Regino. The façade was almost always religious groups, within which information was transmitted through social networks to assassinate and cause terrorist acts in Venezuela.

“The surprise for some, not for us: Janes Martínez Luis Humberto's phone is linked to Mr. Gilbert Alexander Alfonso Caro, who is being held in the United States for causing the death of a person in an accident”

In addition, information was obtained in different prisons in Venezuela where there were subjects who are called pranes as part of this operation.

“It's no secret to anyone that Gilbert Alexander Caro met Juan Guaidó and they were doing acts on behalf of Mrs. María Corina Machado from Miami, United States.”

The sectoral vice-president of Public Security Policy and Peace, added that plans were found on the phones to buy C4 explosives to wage a rebellion inside prisons.

Cabello recalled that, after July 28, “two criminal groups: the Tren de los Llanos and the Tren de Aragua expressed their unrestricted support for Mrs. María Corina Machado and Mr. Edmundo González.”

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