

Cabello confirmed that the People will remain mobilized against fascism (+photos)

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Photo With the Dando Mazo

Published at: 29/01/2024 04:59 PM

This Monday, January 29, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, stressed that this People will remain mobilized against fascism.

“Mobilization is the best antidote to fascism and to the madness of these people who are not going to cease their efforts,” he said and assured that imperialism has always been behind them.

In this regard, during the PSUV press conference, he indicated that the Bolivarian Revolution will not be stopped by the attack of imperialism and its lackeys. “If now we are going to celebrate 25 years, everything is ready (...) and then we are going to take Caracas on February 4 in the early morning,” he said.

He also said that despite the conspiracies and attacks of the opposition, “this year there are free, transparent, credible, universal, direct and secret elections without the presence of the United States and without the presence of the OAS (Organization of American States), those are not going to dance either and those who don't go don't go.”

He added that the OAS is one of the most discredited organizations on the continent. I have no doubt about that. That the head of a more miserable and worst viewed organization in America is (Luis) Almagro, I have no doubt, the world is arguing, it's there, there,” he said.

He confirmed that Venezuela doesn't care what an organization as discredited as that says. “They say that 'María Corina is irreplaceable', that they take her and that they call her secretary of the OAS (...) she is a good candidate for them, for surrender to the gringos (...) to take her,” he said.

He also questioned the three countries that came out to criticize Venezuela, while they “have their ranch burning”.

“We don't mess with anyone, we know that those who rule them are the gringos, but that being the gringos only three countries have left, that is a triumph of the Bolivarian Revolution and that the world begins to understand that Venezuela is respected and that we are not going to accept interference from anyone,” he said.

Therefore, he pointed out that it is not in the interest of the United States to execute any military strategy against the South American nation.

He recalled that U.S. imperialism has implemented more than 930 sanctions against Venezuela “just because we don't submit to the dictates of the United States. What else can the United States do to us at this point? Throw us a bomb? Invade us? They know that this has a high cost, a very high cost for them, especially when the United States has the internal problems it has,” he said.

He pointed out that, although the governments of the North American country “are professionals and interfering, (...) they did not have the dignity of the Venezuelan people, who have been fighting for years against those who believe they will dominate us and we have defeated all of them, all those who have tried to mess with Venezuela,” he emphasized.

In addition, he highlighted the hypocrisy of the delegation of the Unitary Platform (PU) at the Dialogue Table, in “defending” the position of the opposition María Corina Machado, while they are truly happy that a weight is being lifted from their shoulders.

“They are hypocritical rulers, but they are hypocritical sovereigns; they are celebrating, this is pure gamelote, they are celebrating, they are happy because justice is acting and is taking away from it a problem that they have (...) now that they solve their political problem, the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) is solving a judicial problem,” he said.

Regarding the issue of disqualifications, he pointed out that this is a decision of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), “firmly, irrevocably and gave the judgments (...) and that is not going to change”.

He confirmed that “Chavism has no anger or revenge against anyone, but we love this country and anyone who wants to harm it will find us face to face, wherever, whenever and however”.

In addition, he mentioned the issue of conspiracies and pointed out that justice is acting accordingly. “Justice is acting and when justice acts the People feel happy, as they say out there: Rejoiced in joy, because they know that there is a State that works for that and for all things,” he said.

He pointed out that today those involved in the case are being arrested and brought to justice, “to be responsible for making decisions and punishing those responsible.”

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