

Cabello: Chavism will not allow the oligarchy to start a civil war in Venezuela (+photos)

“We learned to know them, them and them, and we know that they never bet on the electoral route,” he said.
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 30/05/2024 03:24 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, warned of the plans of violence being prepared by the leadership of opposition extremism in order to ignore institutions and sow chaos in the country.

With the call to vote on July 28, to take the Miraflores Palace , headquarters of the Venezuelan Executive, on July 29 and to end the prosecution of revolutionary leaders on July 30, extremists try to create the conditions to provoke a civil war in Venezuela.

“That's what they think they're going to do and that we're not going to be so calm,” he said during the 478th broadcast of his show Con el Mazo Dando, where he pointed out the fascist characteristics that emerge from this plan that emulates actions such as those carried out by the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship in Chile.

“They must have the University Stadium prepared for the trial that announces opposition fascism against the Chavistas, as happened in Chile in 1971 after the overthrow of the democratic government of Salvador Allende,” he said.

Faced with this, the Psuvist leader emphasized the importance of guaranteeing the organization and unity of the People to guarantee peace and the continuity of the path of growth that the country has achieved.

“If we ensure peace on each of those 266,000 streets on 28 (July), peace is guaranteed throughout the national territory,” he stressed.

He highlighted the history of resistance, struggle, battle and victory that the Venezuelan people have had in 25 years of Revolution, always under the siege of North American imperialism and the destabilizing actions that characterize a sector of the Venezuelan opposition, whose essence is fascism.

“We fall into the dry and get up in the wet, we recover and get ahead of everything that comes our way,” he stressed and insisted that “the opposition does not deserve one more drop of blood from our people or a single drop”.

He stated that in his journey over these 25 years, “we learned to know them and them, and we know that they never bet on the electoral route, their record is always that of violence”, so he exalted the capacity of the People not to bow down.

“We have fought, resisted, defeated and built our own victories, no one has given us anything (...). Thanks to whom is the country recovering? To the gringos? The answer is no. We are rising up with our own efforts,” he said.

Hope is on the street with Chávez and Nicolás

The also member of the Central Coordination of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command, distinguished the organizational capacity of the Chavista People to, in addition to resisting the attacks of imperialism and its lackeys, build with their own efforts the electoral victories of the Revolution.

“If we have learned anything in these 25 years of Revolution, it is to resist, we haven't sat down to see what happens. We have built our own victories, with Commander Hugo Chávez and with President Nicolás Maduro,” he said.

He denounced that sectors of opposition extremism try to disguise themselves as people to ask for the vote and use messages that belong to the Revolution.

“The right now comes to say that I am copying myself from María Corina Machado. What am I copying it to? They are the ones who have imitated us (...) They are a danger and are used to copying themselves,” he said.

He also pointed out that from these sectors where the leadership is exercised, surnames “are copied trying to look like the People, when in reality the People give them a dick”.

In this regard, he confirmed that the People know who the candidate of hope is, the one who was born with Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez, on his release from the prison of dignity, and that today is maintained by President Nicolás Maduro.

“Hope is in the street and today we reaffirm it (...). Hope is in the street and not for anyone!” , he ruled.

Argentinian people will rise up

Cabello also referred to the situation in Argentina where the people are being plagued by the neoliberal measures of the extremist Javier Milei, whom he described as “a madman” and “fascist”.

“That people rise up at any time,” he warned and stressed that this popular uprising has its epicenter in the rejection generated among Argentines by the famine measures implemented by the fascist Milei.

“This people will not put up with the follies of a fascist governing them. He's a madman!” , he said.

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