

Cabello: Bolivarian Fury has demonstrated that the people rule the streets, not the bourgeoisie

“Those of us who love the Homeland are capable of doing anything to defend it,” he said.
Con el Mazo Dando

Published at: 25/01/2024 06:00 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, highlighted the importance of the mobilizations that took place across the country by revolutionary forces to commemorate 66 years since the overthrow of the Marcos Pérez Jiménez dictatorship and to express unrestricted support for the Government of President Nicolás Maduro.

During the 462 broadcast of his show Con el Mazo Dando , he recounted the destabilizing plans that opposition extremism sought to carry out in the country, including the assassination of President Maduro, as well as the assassination of the Minister for Defense, GJ Vladimir Padrino López and the governor of the state of Táchira, Freddy Bernal.

“All of Venezuela mobilized, all states, with their actions,” he exalted and highlighted the march held in Caracas, which culminated in a speech where the National President thanked the people for their support and urged the people to unleash the Bolivarian Fury for the defense of the Revolution.

“What a beautiful thing, I can't be in that march, but I was in Táchira,” he said.

He emphasized that the Bolivarian Fury that marched on January 23 was the greatest proof that the people rule the streets and not the oligarchy that tried to set fire to the country with terrorist plans and a mobilization that did not reach half a block from a square in the east of the capital.

“On January 23, the mobilizations began with marches that began from Táchira and were replicated throughout the country and will culminate on February 4 to give way to other street demonstrations in a conscious and patriotic way from February 5 to March 5, without wearing us out more than necessary and demonstrating that the people rule the street and not the bourgeoisie,” he said.

He stressed that the spirit of struggle that prevailed in each of the participants in these mobilizations is a demonstration of the patriotic strength of a people willing to fight on whatever front they face.

“Those of us who love the Homeland are capable of doing anything to defend it,” he said and stressed that “the Bolivarian Fury is all of us who love the Homeland and take care of its bad sons and daughters who swarm and ask for invasions against their own country.”

He recalled that during these 25 years, and especially the last 5 years, “the People have resisted with conscience and in struggle, in the face of the enemy”, stressing that “in every sector they want we want and will defeat them”.

Conspiracies with a CIA seal

The also deputy and president of the Permanent Committee on Internal Policy of the National Assembly, reported that the evidence and testimonies surrounding the recently revealed conspiracies show the direct participation of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

“The conspiracies against Venezuela have mercenaries and the CIA as their common element,” he said, warning that those who participate in these stateless and terrorist actions will be punished in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of the Republic.

“From here on we go with everything, whatever you call it! We arrived at the arrival point, the one who invents who assumes the consequences,” he decided and reiterated that the antidote to mercenaries captured and prepared by the CIA is the Bolivarian Fury.

Addressing the Government of the United States and its allies, he indicated that “we don't mess with anyone, but we ask for respect for the self-determination of peoples.”

“We are not going to allow anyone to come and attack this country... every time they try to do something against this country we will be here (...). They want to kill Nicolas. Are we going to leave him alone? We will not leave him alone! That's not going to happen,” he said.

The US is looking for drugs in Ecuador

Finally, Cabello referred to the recent announcement of the entry of United States troops into Ecuador as a result of an agreement with the Government of the southern country and did not hesitate to denounce that the power elite of the North American nation seeks to guarantee a new route for drug trafficking.

“The United States is going to ensure direct drug trafficking from Ecuador,” he said, pointing out that this action to locate new routes is a consequence of the frontal and effective fight that Colombian President Gustavo Petro is waging against this scourge, making it difficult to transfer drugs to the North American nation that has the population with the highest number of drug users on the planet.

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