

Cabello: Between Chávez and Maduro, 100 universities have been created in the country

A new Con El Mazo Dando this Wednesday, June 6
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 05/06/2024 08:27 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, reported that more than 100 universities have been created in Revolution, with Commander Hugo Chávez and President Nicolás Maduro.

“In Venezuela, the Revolution has endeavored to educate the people. Mission Robinson came and with it two million Venezuelans who couldn't read and write learned; then came Robinson II and then Misión Ribas,” he said.

He recalled that on one occasion Commander Chávez asked himself the question of how many high school graduates were left without studying because they did not get a place. On this basis, surveys and censuses were carried out in the country's Bolivar squares and more than 400,000 were registered in one weekend, and that's where the Sucre Mission was born.

“Along with the Sucre Mission, the Bolivarian University of Venezuela was born, and then the IUPFAN went from 600 students to 80,000 throughout the country. It's Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution's fault!” , noted and specified that today the country has a university of arts, security (UNES), workers and communications”.

He stressed that the Revolution “gave the People an opportunity and that is not supported by the right wing”,

“The right wing presented its education plan and it is similar to what the psychopath (Javier) Milei proposes in Argentina, that is, to privatize it, but it will be left wanting because there will continue to be free and quality education for all Venezuelans”

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