

Cabello announces new strategy for the Our Venezuela Campaign: 5X5 beyond the PSUV!

Swearing in of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command
Presidential Press

Published at: 16/05/2024 07:44 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and member of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command, Diosdado Cabello Rondón, announced this Thursday the new 5x5 strategy for the presidential elections on July 28.

“Here we are going to test a new strategy that we have already added to the traditional 1x10 strategy that used to be carried out only by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, now we have a 5x5 proposal, which is a strength that goes beyond the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, we have to follow it constantly, permanently,” said Cabello.

During the swearing in of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command, he stressed that everything placed there “has to be real, it has to have solid bases so that the results are similar to what we have and in this task of adding, of building this new force for the elections”, so he urged the revolutionary leadership to go out in search of all those who have never expressed a political position.

There is no one left over, everyone is needed, including those who have never and never expressed a political position (...) We have to go knocking on doors and it has to be a close relationship, of solidarity, of affection, of accompaniment, of companionship, not only because of the electoral issue, because this has to serve us for many other things, the social care of the partner, the permanent affection”, he emphasized.

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