

Cabello alerted the People to the extreme right's pretensions to ignore the presidential elections of 28J

Diosdado Cabello, first vice-president of the PSUV
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 15/05/2024 10:44 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello Rondón, during his Con El Mazo Dando program, urged the Venezuelan people to be alert to the pretensions of the extreme right to ignore the presidential elections on July 28.

“The people have to be alert, the extreme right doesn't want elections, they're not going to recognize the results, on July 28 at night they're going to shout fraud, they're going to try to go to violence,” he warned.

In this regard, he invited us to be aware of the lines emanating from President Nicolás Maduro in his Podcast, in his speeches, “watch the press conference of the National Directorate of the PSUV and the Con El Mazo Dando program,” he urged.

“The effort of the Con El Mazo Dando program alone is not enough, everyone must participate, take the information and send it to a friend. We cannot let information remain stagnant, especially when we have events every day in several cities simultaneously,” he said.

He also argued that the first impact is local, “that they know that if they try something they will be surrounded and will not be able to deal with the people.”

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