

Cabello about Jacinto Lara: An extraordinary man who professed great loyalty to Father Bolivar

National Legislative Council in honor of the birth of G/D Jacinto Lara
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 28/05/2024 01:56 PM

This Tuesday, May 28, the deputy to the National Assembly (AN), Diosdado Cabello, highlighted that General Jacinto Lara is a patriot who professed great loyalty to the Father of the Fatherland, Simon Bolivar, and represents the kindness of all the people of Larense.

“The history of Venezuela revolves a lot around Jacinto Lara (...). The eponymous heroes of the states, if anyone represents the people of this beautiful state, it's Jacinto Lara,” he said

In this regard, during the solemn session of the Legislative Council of the state of Lara for the birth of the eponymous hero Jacinto Lara, he specified that when we talk about those loyal to the Liberator Simon Bolivar, the name of this man with a great military career also appears.

“When you talk about those loyal to Bolívar, we are left with (Rafael) Urdaneta, with (Antonio José) Sucre and we leave out extraordinary people who professed extraordinary loyalty to Father Bolivar and Jacinto Lara, without a doubt, is one of them,” he said.

He also called for the dissemination of the life and history of this exceptional Venezuelan, Jacinto Lara, as well as that of other heroes of our country to other parts of the country.

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