

Cabello about Castañeda's training in Colombia: We are going to ask the government of that country for information

Sectorial Vice President of Policy, Public Security and Peace, Diosdado Cabello Rondón
Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 14/09/2024 09:59 PM

The sectoral vice-president of Politics, Public Security and Peace, Diosdado Cabello Rondón, revealed this Saturday that the U.S. military man who was directing terrorist plans against Venezuela, Wilbert Joseph Castañeda, said he trained a unit of the Colombian Army.

“He was in Colombia, in a unit, giving training, according to what he says, and he names some colleagues who were with him, some American colleagues who were with him, a group, they talk about the Colombian Army army and they put a name here that reads Lieutenant Carlos Núñez and there is the telephone number. Will Carlos Núñez exist? Will you be part of a paramilitary group in Colombia?” , he questioned.

In this regard, he pointed out that “now we are going to ask the Colombian government for information to see how it helps us in this because there is even the photo, as far as they received the training, the type of training”.

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