

Cabello about 4F: Really nothing has been written yet

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Photo With the Dando Mazo

Published at: 04/02/2024 05:00 PM

This Sunday, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, reaffirmed that until now “nothing has been written” in depth about the events of February 4, 1992.

“What hasn't been written? In truth, nothing has been written yet. I, in fact, made a commitment to Ernesto Villegas to start writing, because it is necessary to write. And to count, it's 25 years of Revolution. 25 years ago, Commander (Hugo) Chávez arrived and assumed the presidency of the Republic,” he said.

In this regard, during his participation in the podcast Chavista of the Hugo Chávez Foundation, he highlighted that, although it is 25 years since assuming the presidency, the struggle of the Revolution dates back many years. “Since February 4th, 32 years old. From November 27 and 28 we go further back, which is where we came from (...) we have gone and there is nothing written. What has been written, in truth, are stories, many of them, interested,” he said.

He mentioned that among those that have been written is that of “Ángela Zago, which did not reflect the truth of what was happening at all, because it was also, immediately, written there about the facts and there were many things left to unite that were not understood”.

He stressed that among the events it is important to tell “what Venezuela was like before February 4. What was happening here in Venezuela before February 4th? And why February 4th? Why does it arise?”

He also emphasized that, unlike many soldiers, the Commander always wrote about events. “ Commander Chávez is a different character from us. He would write, annotate, shoot an arrow from a page, 50 pages later, and he remembered that he was shooting the arrow and what it was and what it was for,” he said.

In addition, he commented that he recently received two notebooks from “(Lieutenant Colonel Jesús Miguel) Ortiz Contreras, where they have written down all the details of what he experienced. And Ortiz Contreras, that was a meticulous character, wrote everything down. I'm going to send them to you so that you can add it here to true historiography.”

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