

Cabello: 28J will be a triumph for the Fatherland, a beautiful triumph

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello
Con El Mazo Dando Photo

Published at: 16/05/2024 05:10 PM

During his Con El Mazo Dando No. 476 program, the first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, assured that on July 28 in the presidential elections, the revolutionary forces will win a new victory for the Fatherland.

“Today I am more convinced than ever of two things: that today the right wing is more divided than ever, more fought; and that today I am more convinced that July 28 will be a triumph for the Fatherland, a beautiful triumph,” said Cabello.

In that regard, he emphasized to the militancy the importance of working together to achieve that victory. “The 1x10 is a task of the party that we have in the face of the elections (...) all street, community, UBCH, parish, municipal and state teams must have their 1x10 and set an example,” he said.

He stressed that the 1x10 also requires follow-up and accompaniment. “ It's not that I wrote to him right now and I'll write to him again on July 28th, that doesn't work, that has to have a personal treatment of a friend, a colleague, a brother, a comrade, constant all the time for the details (...) besides making sure to get people to vote,” he said.

He also emphasized fighting the communication battle, since during electoral times, right-wing laboratories are vicious with their lies and manipulations. “We are obliged to say the things we do (...) communication war of the whole town, all of us incorporated into this war,” he maintained and recalled that all the heads of 1x10 and of the structures of the awning must have a WhatsApp group to keep everyone informed.

As for the rumors of the right wing about the suspension of elections, he said that “in Venezuela there will be elections and Chavism will win them again, I have no doubt about that (...) and when we say by hook or by crook it's because they don't have a life because we're going to beat them and if they go the wrong way we're going to beat them too,” he reaffirmed.

In addition, he took the opportunity to alert the people to the pretensions of the right wing that is already singing fraud. “They don't want elections, they're not going to recognize the results, on July 28 at night they're going to shout fraud, they're going to try to go to violence,” he said.

Venezuela is not subordinate to the empire

The member of the National Assembly also confirmed that the People of Venezuela are free, sovereign and independent and that no imperial power is underestimated, no matter how great it may be.

“Here in Venezuela, not subordinating ourselves to the imperial powers, we have never done it and never will, it is known to all these gentlemen, to all these people who in some way have tried to do something against our country,” he said.

He also emphasized that “ there will be no safe conduct for those who do not love this country” in relation to the six extremist opponents fugitive from justice who remain inside the Argentine embassy in Venezuela.

“The fascist government in Argentina believes it's going to put pressure on us. He is such a cowardly guy that he already decided to hand over the Falklands to the United Kingdom, renounced them and took away the right of the Argentine people to their territory, sovereignty and independence. He is a subordinate to the imperial powers, but we here in Venezuela are not subordinate to anyone,” he said.

He condemned that “today Milei threatens us saying that our pressure will increase, I tell him that the pressure is in Argentina and it will burst sooner than he thinks (...) We also know that he is going to blame Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, we know that will be the case.”

In the same way, he reaffirmed that he will always prefer to be a fool, than one drawn to imperialism, when referring to the statements of the Colombian foreign minister, Luis Murillo.

“I am proud to be a fool, really very proud, to be a fool when it comes to defending my country, no one is more foolish than me, I give my life to defend my country, whoever it is (...) I would rather be a fool a thousand times than be a puppy dragged into imperialism,” he said.

In turn, he reaffirmed to the Colombian foreign minister that the only transition that will take place in Venezuela is towards socialism.

We don't stick to the algorithms of hate

Cabello called for continuing his Social Media campaign against the unilateral and criminal measures of the United States government with joy and publicizing the rallies, as well as actions in favor of the People by the Bolivarian Government in order to support algorithms on social networks in a positive way.

“Unintentionally, in Social Networks, we stick to the algorithms that suit the opposition, but the ones we must follow are the algorithms of our agenda, that is, those of joy, battle and victory, ” he said.

He stressed that, despite the difficulties, Chavism has reasons to be joyful. “The Chavistas should always be smiling, no matter what happens we should not be bitter, because we also have multiple reasons to be happy,” he said.

At the same time, he recognized that although there are problems in the country, these difficulties of the People can only be solved in Revolution.

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