

Cabello: 11 years later we can say: Commander Chávez, we haven't failed you! (+photos)

March for the Day of Love and Loyalty to Commander Hugo Chávez
Con el Mazo Dando

Published at: 08/12/2023 02:22 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, said this Friday that the Bolivarian Government and the People have fully complied with the last instructions of Commander Hugo Chávez, on December 8, 2012.

“Today, 11 years after a day that marked the political life of revolutionaries and revolutionaries, where our Commander Chávez, with his sorrows and sorrows, came here to tell the People of Venezuela his last message, to express to the People of Venezuela the sublime love he felt for him and to leave us very clear instructions, instructions that 11 years later, brother president, we can say: Commander Chávez, no you we failed!” , said Cabello.

From the Miraflores Palace, together with President Nicolás Maduro, the leader of the red awning received the mass march for the Day of Love and Loyalty to Commander Chávez, to whom he sent a strong message: “here is your united people, here is your Bolivarian National Armed Force united in defense of the Homeland”.

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