

Brotherhoods in Aragüeña ready for the celebration of Corpus Christi

They received supplies of supplies at the Casa de la Cultura de Maracay
VTV photo

Published at: 29/05/2024 08:01 AM

Representatives of the five Aragüeña brotherhoods belonging to the Dancing Devils of Corpus Christi, held a training and tourism promotion meeting in the Virtual Library spaces, with the aim of promoting cultural manifestations in the region, these being transversal to Venezuelan tourism, a culture rooted since 1610, it is a mirror of the fervor and tradition that characterize the five brotherhoods of the entity.

With regard to this meeting, a videoconference was held with the National Directorate of Training and Awareness of the Ministry of Popular Power for Tourism, to meet with the rest of the Venezuelan brotherhoods and exchange experiences.

In this regard, the single tourism authority and secretary of tourism, Maritza Mendoza, reported that, of the 11 existing brotherhoods in Venezuela, five are in the state of Aragua: Cuyagua, Ocumare, Chuao, Cata and Turiamo.

“For this reason, the important thing is to highlight our demonstrations and thus achieve the Cultural Tourist Route of each Brotherhood, as guided by Governor Karina Carpio, with the support of the Ministry of Popular Power for Tourism for certification,” he said.

He stressed that this is one of the 5 “A” of the Tourism Engine, and stressed that during the activity there were Tourism Committees of the Girardot municipality, who are being trained, in order to promote and commercialize the tourist routes of the dancing devils.

For his part, the Secretary of Culture, Luis González, said he was honored to have in that space the patrimonial cultors of the Dancing Devils, who received supplies of supplies at the Casa de la Cultura de Maracay, for the traditional sanccocho of these demonstrations.