

Broadcasting Day in Venezuela: Commitment and Social Responsibility

With the arrival of the Bolivarian Revolution, led by Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez, broadcasting in Venezuela is experiencing its golden age, thanks to its policies of inclusion and development for the Venezuelan people

Published at: 06/06/2024 08:00 AM

Every June 6 in Venezuela, broadcasting day is commemorated, a date that was established during the administration of General Juan Vicente Gómez, when the first Venezuelan radio station called Ayre came into operation.

This means of communication continues to be important, as it was at the beginning of its creation. Today, radio listeners can enjoy a wide variety of information and entertainment programs.

Over time, radio stations gain preference among Venezuelans, thanks to the ease of listening to it anywhere without major complications.

With the arrival of the Bolivarian Revolution, led by Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez, broadcasting in Venezuela is experiencing its golden age, thanks to its policies of inclusion and development for the Venezuelan people, community and alternative broadcasters are created, which promote communication in the hands of popular power.

Mazo News Team