BRICOMILES began deployment in Guiana Esequiba

The BRICOMILES work to recover educational spaces in the country The BRICOMILES work to recover educational spaces in the country
The BRICOMILES work to recover educational spaces in the country
Photo: Internet

Con El Mazo Dando 11 años

Published at: 21/02/2024 10:48 AM

The Military Community Brigades (BRICOMILES) began a deployment in Guiana Essequiba to serve the infrastructure of schools, outpatient clinics and others present in that historic Venezuelan region, said Defense Minister, G/J Vladimir Padrino López.

Through a message published in his X account, the senior military officer explained that these works will contribute to improving the quality of life of those who live in this area.

“With the unity and determination of the FANB, we are working tirelessly on the integral development of the territory of Guiana Esequiba,” Padrino said.

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