

Bolivarian University of Venezuela: The Revolution of Knowledge (+anniversary)

The UBV also has Advanced Training Studies: specialization, doctorates, master's degrees and diplomas, among others

Published at: 18/07/2024 08:00 AM

On July 18, 2003, the Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV) was created by our Commander Hugo Chávez Frías. Since then, it has become a great space for its students and teachers to generate contributions for the systematization of cultural and educational knowledge.

The UBV has different offices in the regions of the country, fulfilling the function of building and consolidating the Homeland through its more than 17 headquarters and more than one thousand three hundred university villages that are located throughout the country.

This Chávez initiative was born because of the need of the Venezuelan population to study a professional career that was unattainable at that time, since it was impossible to enter any house of study. That is why this social leader concerned about Venezuelans created this beautiful creation that has benefited thousands of young people, adults and people with disabilities.

It has different Degree Training programs in Agroecology, Architecture, Social Communication, Political Economy, Political Studies and Governance, Environmental Management, Gas, Social Management of Local Development, Public Health Management, Informatics for Social Management, National Educators Program, Petroleum, Refining and Petrochemistry, Radiotherapy, Integrative Community Medicine and Legal Studies.

In addition, the UBV also has Advanced Training Studies: specialization, doctorates, master's degrees and diplomas, among others.

Students and the general public can enjoy the Rosa Luxemburg Language Center, which offers them the opportunity to learn languages such as English, French, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, Venezuelan Sign Language, Spanish, Braille, (Technology adapted for people with visual disabilities) and Wayuunaiki, Warao, Pemon and Kariña.

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