

Bolivarian Government will reforest the Burro Negro Recreational Park in Zulia

Lorca noted “the preparatory work for the reforestation season”

Published at: 15/03/2024 08:19 PM

The Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism, Josué Lorca, spent a day of work in the state of Zulia, in the Burro Negro Recreational Park, located in the Lagunillas municipality, where it inspected the facilities of the National Reforestation Company (CONARE) and the National Park Institute (INPARQUES).

The information was provided by Lorca through his account on the social network X, in which he said that he verified “the preparatory work for the reforestation season, with the removal of seeds of Carocaro and Mahogany”.

“Last year, one million alerts were thrown in the country's protected areas, with Zulia being the state with the highest number of dumped, and this year it is estimated to exceed that figure with 300,000,” he said.

He said that on behalf of the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, “we are still working to sow life in degraded areas of Venezuela, joining forces to strengthen the 5th Historical Objective of the Homeland Plan.”

In another message, Lorca reported that from the Sucre Pier in Los Haticos, in Maracaibo, together with the president of the Institute for the Control and Conservation of the Lake Maracaibo Basin (ICLAM), Edgar Jiménez, “we carried out the review and operational tests for the next start-up of two vessels that will be used to collect waste in Lake Maracaibo”.

In that regard, he explained that “these two new vessels have arrived in our country, thanks to the Plan for Rescue, Conservation and Sustainable Development of Lake Maracaibo instructed by President @ NicolasMaduro, and led by our Sectorial VP G/J @ NestorlReverol”.

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