

Bolivarian Government will activate 114 tourist information points during Carnival 2024

“We will be in 68 municipalities in the 23 states and in Caracas, with 14 prioritized entities,” Padrón reported

Published at: 06/02/2024 07:57 PM

The Bolivarian Government, through the Ministry of Popular Power for Tourism (MINTUR), will deploy more than 300 officials nationwide during the 2024 Carnival holidays and will have 114 Tourist Information Points (PIT).

The head of MINTUR, Alí Padrón, explained that these points will be deployed on beaches, rivers and spas; tourist attractions, recreational and national parks; land, lake and air terminals, as well as squares and historic centers.

During the broadcast of the program “Venezuela Open to the Future”, on Radio Miraflores, he said that “we will be in 68 municipalities in the 23 states and in Caracas, with 14 prioritized entities given the historically high influx of visitors to these spaces.”

In this regard, he mentioned the states Anzoátegui, Aragua, Bolívar, Mérida, Carabobo, Capital District, Falcón, La Guaira, Lara, Miranda, Monagas, Nueva Esparta, Sucre and Táchira, where together with the governors, mayors, communities and service providers, different recreational activities will be carried out.

“These dates are for family reunion and joy in a healthy way, enjoying natural and cultural spaces, float parades, troupes, musical and artistic activities,” he said.

Padrón stressed that the PITs will serve to consult and sensitize citizens about the importance of tourism in boosting the national economy and the country's productive diversification.

On the other hand, he reported that at the Expo Gobierno 2024, a multidisciplinary team from the aforementioned Ministry, “served 3,000 people, through tourist awareness programs and QR scanning of tourist catalogs”.

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