

Bolivarian Government structures the Great Venezuelan Rhythm, Dance and Song Mission

First meeting to structure the new Great Venezuelan Rhythm, Dance and Song Mission
Photo @luchaalmada

Published at: 22/01/2024 09:32 AM

Through the social network X, the sector vice president of Communication, Tourism and Culture, Freddy Ñáñez, reported that last Friday the first meeting was held to structure the new Great Venezuelan Rhythm, Dance and Popular Song Mission.

“Something good is coming!” , Ñáñez said on the social network.

He also indicated that the head of the Culture Office, Ernesto Villegas, and the artists and cultors, Ana Cecilia Loyo, Iván Pérez Rossi, Francisco Pacheco and Chuchito Sanoja, were present at the meeting, who will be the “main spokespersons and spokespersons of this endearing mission (...) to protect and disseminate the traditional singing, dancing and rhythms of Venezuela”.

Let us remember that during the Congress of the New Epoc that took place in the state of Miranda, President Maduro accepted the proposal made by Venezuelan cultors and announced that the Great Mission will be structured and created for the relaunch, positioning and strengthening of the cultural forces of the Fatherland.