

Bolivarian Government rehabilitates two schools and a court in Anzoátegui

This is the recovery plan for 100 public infrastructures that drives the revolution
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 06/06/2024 10:20 PM

Within the framework of the intervention plan for 100 social spaces of the Bolivarian Government of Anzoátegui, the first civil authority of the entity Luis José Marcano, delivered three rehabilitated spaces in the Simón Bolívar municipality.

With educational spaces as a priority, Marcano, accompanied by representatives of the local government, the fully rehabilitated community, the Simoncito Creación La Ponderosa II Early Childhood Education Center (CEI), in the Donato Constantino Maradei commune.

In the CEI, according to a press release, bathrooms were remodeled, ceilings were installed, and air conditioners were painted and air conditioners replaced in classrooms, in addition to the ornamentation, to guarantee adequate spaces for the more than 130 boys and girls who are trained there.

Likewise, the CEI Francisco Ferrer was reinaugurated, located in the 29 de Marzo sector of the socialist commune La Victoria Perfecta, where about 290 children are cared for.

During the intervention, work was carried out with painting in classrooms, offices, kitchen, bathrooms, grilles and outside, the children's playground and the mini basketball court were recovered, as well as the lighting was improved and the management was equipped with furniture.

In addition, as part of the reopening, supply kits and school backpacks were delivered to the students.

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