

Bolivarian Government recovers court and reinforces perimeter fence of the San Cristóbal Care Entity

Recovery work was carried out with prison labor
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 15/03/2024 03:45 PM

The Minister of Popular Power for the Penitentiary Service, Celsa Bautista, reported that the sports court was recovered and the perimeter fence reinforced, of the San Cristóbal Care Entity, in the state of Táchira.

Through a message posted on his account on Social Network X, Bautista explained that the recovery work was carried out with prison labor, which is made up of adolescents and young adults who are in that entity carrying out their criminal sanction.

“The optimization of sports and recreational spaces allows us to continue to guarantee healthy leisure to the sanctioned adolescent population through the corresponding comprehensive care,” said the Minister.

He also highlighted the help of the Great Mission Barrio Nuevo Barrio Tricolor, which, thanks to the efforts of the First Combatant of the state of Táchira, Karem Durán de Bernal, donated the materials that were used.


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