

Bolivarian Government reactivates free dental care at “Dr. José María Vargas” ASIC in Guaribe

Strong turnout for dental care
ABG Press

Published at: 21/05/2024 05:27 PM

In response to the social protection policies promoted by the National Executive through its different institutions with regard to the oral health of the Venezuelan people, in the municipality of San José de Guaribe, the Department of Dentistry in the “Dr. José María Vargas” Community Comprehensive Health Area (ASIC) was carried out.

This initiative represents a significant advance in access to quality dental care for residents of the area and a step forward in the commitment of the Bolivarian Government to provide comprehensive health services.

Magnulys Sánchez, Coordinator of ASIC, shared her enthusiasm for this new phase: “Today we celebrate an achievement that reflects the commitment and dedication of our President Nicolás Maduro, the Minister of Popular Power for Health Magaly Gutiérrez, the Governor of Gúarico José Vásquez, all making a great effort to take care of the health of their people. We are ready to welcome our patients with open arms and offer them top quality dental care.”

It should be noted that the dental unit is located in the “Dr. Federico Moya” Popular Medical Office, the largest health center in the town, which will serve the entire Guariba population with dental extraction, restoration and cleaning services.

The mayor of the Guaribe municipality, Julio Yánez, highlighted the importance of this initiative for the well-being of the population: “Health is a fundamental right, and it is our duty, as instructed by our President and brother Governor, to guarantee its universal access. The rehabilitation of this Department of Dentistry is another step on our path to a healthier and more prosperous Guaribe, the Guaribe Bonito that all the inhabitants of this blessed land want and can achieve.”

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