

Bolivarian Government promotes Mass Formation Plan in Popular Planning

The training day has been organized under a comprehensive vision, Menéndez said

Published at: 14/03/2024 10:07 PM

The Minister of Popular Power for Planning, Ricardo Menéndez, reported that this Thursday, March 14, the Massive Training Plan in Popular Planning “New Stage of Social Cartography and the ACA of the 7T in the context of the Great Mission Equality and Social Justice” was carried out, which 50,616 people from all over the country attended electronically.

Speaking to Venezolana de Televisión, he specified that to date, 3,284,582 people have participated in the training sessions, referring to the new phase of social cartography and concrete agenda of action (ACA), of the Seven Transformations in the context of the Great Equality and Social Justice Mission “Hugo Chávez”.

Menéndez explained that the training day was organized under a comprehensive vision, with the participation of the Community Councils, the Local Committee for Supply and Production (CLAP), state coordinators, Somos Venezuela, among others, to unify methods of action and thus have integrated and defined processes in territorialization.

He recalled that the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, instructed that attention must be guaranteed to all sectors of the population to maintain the fight against the economic war established in Venezuela.

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