

Bolivarian Government places lamps on main roads in the capital of the state of Aragua

Care for the country's garden city
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 31/05/2024 04:52 PM

The Bolivarian Government of Aragua is carrying out a day of lamp installation in the city of Maracay with 2,500 LED luminaires and 25 control boxes for the attention of reports diagnosed through the 1x10 of Good Governance.

The 2500 lights will be distributed in the different parishes of the capital of Aragüeña, established as follows 148 for Andrés Eloy Blanco; 151 Joaquín Crespo; 588 José Casanova Godoy; 369 Las Delicias; 313 Los Tacariguas; 283 Mother Mary of San José; 548 Pedro José Ovalles and 100 in the coastal parish axis of Choroní.

These are state-of-the-art lamps that seek to modernize the public lighting system in Maracay to provide well-being and improve the safety of the inhabitants of the area.

CORPOELEC, the government of Aragua and the Popular Power organized in each parish of the capital of the entity work in the placement of the teams.

Quoted in a regional press release, César Vega González, territorial manager of CORPOELEC, stated that “this joint work will provide an immediate and joint response to the requests made in the 1X10 system. I thank the Minister for Electric Energy and Sectorial Vice President of Public Works, Jorge Márquez, for all the support and drive he has been taking to carry out these works.”

The installation of these innovative luminaires is scheduled to be carried out in the coming days, with the deployment of four cranes, setting the objective of placing approximately 180 luminaires per day.

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