

Bolivarian Government maintains weather stations in La Guaira and Yaracuy

Qualified personnel carry out the tasks
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 29/04/2024 03:59 PM

The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (INAMEH) and the National Risk Management System announced the carrying out of preventive maintenance work on the Network of Automatic Pluviometric and Satellite Meteorological Stations of the states of La Guaira and Yaracuy, before the rainy season 2024.

Through a press release, INAMEH indicated that these tasks are part of the Great Quadrants of Peace Mission.

In this regard, the actions include repairing equipment, installing new sensors, cleaning the stations and updating the software. The objective of the tasks is to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected, which is essential for decision-making in the areas of risk prevention, water management and environmental planning.