

Bolivarian Government intensifies public lighting plan in Maracay

Aragüeña authorities received the cargo
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 25/03/2024 05:13 PM

This Monday, March 25, the installation of two thousand new luminaires began on the main avenues of Maracay, Aragua state, thanks to the supply of bulbs provided by CORPOELEC to improve the lighting service on the main roads of the state's capital.

It is also a response to requests made by the population through the VenApp 1×10 platform through the regional and local government.

The new batch of lamps will be installed progressively in different areas, prioritizing the order of the reports made in the VenApp. In addition, local authorities have a stock of paints that will be used in the road demarcation and modernization plan, which involves the intervention of the city's main avenues in its first phase of execution.

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