

Bolivarian Government installs Committee for Social Transformation in Aragua

Meeting in the central-western state of the country
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 01/02/2024 04:26 PM

With the participation of social movements and organizations that live in the state of Aragua, as well as with the support of the coordinator of the national team for Social Transformation , Mayerlin Arias, the Committee for Social Transformation was installed in the entity, an instance that will be under the responsibility of Régulo La Cruz.

During the activity, more than 57 representatives of sectors that converge in the social area were present, such as education, health, workers, community leaders, the Somos Venezuela Movement, CLAP, the Robert Serra Movement, Humanized Childbirth, Homeland Homes, adults and older adults, people with disabilities, cooking mothers, sex-diverse population, people of African descent, among others.

In this regard, Arias explained that the purpose of the 7T is to build plans collectively, “so we are going to go to the heart of each of the territories to listen to and receive the proposals and proposals that, later, will be systematized to build the Plan for 2030,” he explained.

For its part, La Cruz announced that the regional committee will be deployed across the 18 municipalities, in the different communities, to carry out an “in-depth discussion, as guided by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro Moros, in order to evaluate the critical issues of social areas, create a decisive route and promote the integral development of the country.”

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