

Bolivarian Government inspects works at Rafael Urdaneta and El Tablazo Thermoelectric Plant in Zulia

Tour carried out hand in hand with the workers
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 04/05/2024 03:11 PM

The Minister of Electric Energy, Jorge Márquez, inspected the recovery and adaptation work being carried out at the G/J Rafael Urdaneta Thermoelectric Complex and the El Tablazo Substation in the state of Zulia.

In the company of the president of CORPOELEC, José Luis Betancourt, the holder of the ministerial portfolio toured the spaces and together they inspected the electrical installations. Both officials took the tour and verified the adjustments that are being made to optimize operation, for the benefit of the Zulian population.

According to a local press review, Minister Márquez recognized the commitment of workers to continue strengthening electricity service to the people of Zulia.

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