

Bolivarian Government inspects rehabilitation work at Tinaquillo Hospital

Authorities carried out an inspection day
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 05/02/2024 04:48 PM

Bolivarian Government officials carried out an inspection to verify the progress of the comprehensive rehabilitation work carried out at the Joaquina de Rotondaro hospital, located in Tinaquillo in the state of Cojedes.

The day was led by the deputy to the National Assembly, Iris Varela, who reported that in this first stage they carried out work on pediatric and adult emergencies, remodeling, conditioning and equipping a laboratory.

As it became known, in a first phase that consists of roof waterproofing, renovation of the hospital façade, improvements to the lighting and air conditioning system, as well as the necessary equipment for the areas.

The evaluation team explained that these services are almost ready for reopening, which they estimate will be next week.

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