

Bolivarian Government initiates asphalt plan in Carúpano, Sucre state

Rehabilitation of the entity's main roads
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 02/05/2024 07:30 PM

With the installation of 1,800 tons of asphalt on the main road of San Martín, in the municipality of Bermúdez (Carúpano), Sucre state, the National Asphalt Plan began in that entity.

This was reported by the governor of the state of Sucre, Gilberto Pinto, who assured that the action complies with the commitment made by President Nicolás Maduro to the Carupanero people, during his visit to the coastal city, on March 14.

“Approximately 30 communities that are located along this road will benefit from the asphalting work that is being carried out,” said Governor Pinto quoted in a press release from the local government.

The governor highlighted the installation of 4,500 tons of asphalt in the city of Cumaná and 2,500 tons in Cariaco.

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