

Bolivarian Government inaugurates headquarters of the Sonrisa Mission in Portuguesa

Inauguration of the headquarters of the Sonrisa Mission in the Portuguese state

Published at: 14/05/2024 07:39 PM

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, inaugurated this Tuesday the headquarters of the Sonrisa Mission in the Portuguese state, as part of a working day dedicated to the advances of the Military Community Brigades for Education and Health (BRICOMILES).

From the state of Yaracuy, the President made a television broadcast to the town of Araure, where this important space for the dental health of the town is located, stressing that it is “a better location than any clinic”, developed within the framework of the 1x10 of Good Governance.

At the new center, Dr. Alexia Molina said that this was made possible thanks to the support of the head of state, and stressed that the headquarters “will have a first-class service (...) with high-generation equipment”.

He stressed that the Smile Mission “comes to guarantee the oral health of the Venezuelan people, it comes to return that smile and to give a healthy smile to our people (...) Here we are going to perform general dentistry treatments and we are going to perform specialized dental treatments to try to save all our patients' dental units.”

Molina explained that the space has four high-tech dental offices with advanced technology, designed for professionals, technicians and workers to “work in a pleasant way”. In addition, the headquarters has a laboratory dental prosthesis service.

He indicated that in one of the offices, root canal treatments and flange regularization will be performed, “to make everything ready for the patient to be designed and printed for the preparation and manufacture of the future prosthesis, taking into account, of course, that the most vulnerable patients are the patients who are going to be treated first, such as our grandparents and grandmothers.”

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