

Bolivarian Government inaugurates Agricultural, Artisanal and Industrial Fair of the Unare Basin

Celebrations within the framework of tourist carnivals
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 12/02/2024 02:55 PM

With more than 500 specimens of small and large livestock, belonging to 50 exhibitors, the thirty-first (XXXI) Agricultural, Artisanal and Industrial Fair of the Unare Basin, in Zaraza, Guárico state, began. The action is part of the program of the Venezuelan Plain Tourism Carnival.

The governor of the entity, José Vásquez, reported that cattle, goats, pigs, sheep, horses and many others are on display.” This agricultural exhibition exposes the great potential of Zaraza, which is one of the municipalities with the highest production in Guárico,” he said.

For this Tuesday, the exhibition and trial of equines will take place, and later, the parade of champions, award ceremony and closing of the fair.

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