

Bolivarian Government inaugurated electricity system in Píritu in the Portuguese state

This electrical system benefits 50,513 inhabitants of this sector

Published at: 24/12/2023 03:23 PM

With an outdoor Christmas dinner, the new electrification and public lighting system was inaugurated in the Alfonso Bastianelly community, in Esteller, one of the 14 municipalities that are part of the Portuguese state, with a population of 50,513 inhabitants and whose capital is Píritu.

jGkggCLV6CZ9Q">“With the support of President Nicolás Maduro Moros and Bolivarian Mayor Beurys Rodríguez, we kept our promise, the Festival of Light installed the new electrification system and, in addition, we shared a Christmas dinner with the boys and girls of the country,” wrote Governor Primitivo Cedeño, on his social media account.

As part of the 2023 Portuguese Happy Christmas, the regional president released audiovisual material on Instagram in which, together with the mayor, the heads of the street, the community and the Bolivar-Chávez Battle Units (UBCh), they shared dinner with the little ones in the house.

“We promised and we delivered...”, Cedeño ratified. “... because with Nicolás Maduro and Primitivo Cedeño, the commitment is with you,” added those attending the emotional ceremony.