

Bolivarian Government holds comprehensive health care day in Cumaná

The Bolivarian Government continues with the consolidation of the 1x10 System of Good Governance

Published at: 31/05/2024 02:54 PM

With the objective of providing social care and prioritizing the quality of public services for the good life of the people, the sponsor of the 1x10 System of Good Governance in the state of Sucre, AJ. Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, led a day of comprehensive health care from the city of Cumaná, Sucre state.

Ceballos Ichaso indicated that these actions are part of an articulated work between the Ministry of Popular Power for Health (MPPS), and the People's Power to move forward in a concise and precise manner through the VENAPP and thus respond to requests made by citizens, the MPPRIJP press reported.

During the day, he explained that the Special Surgical Plan is also active, which plans 1,200 ophthalmological interventions together with the Miracle Mission, in Sucre.

He also noted that the Bolivarian Government is continuing with the consolidation of the 1x10 System of Good Governance, to maintain comprehensive assistance to the Venezuelan people.

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