

Bolivarian Government holds a workshop on urban gardens for residents and producers in Caracas

Roberto Boniello specified that the workshop addresses soils organically and chemically, germination, transplantation and pest control

Published at: 30/04/2024 11:02 PM

With the objective of strengthening knowledge for food production, the Ministry of Popular Power of Urban Agriculture (MINPPAU) organized the theoretical-practical workshop on Urban Garden Designs, given by Roberto Boniello, aimed at more than 200 farmers, agro-urban producers, teachers and students of the All Hands to Sowing program, and the general public, in the Acoustic Shell of Alí Primera Park, located in the Sucre parish, in Caracas.

In this regard, Minister Jhoanna Carrillo expressed a few words of welcome to everyone present and stressed that she met Roberto in his workshop, “as a good student, I went to see his class and I really loved the dynamics, the layout, the method, the enthusiasm, how easy it is to learn and make garden designs,” she said.

He also thanked the sponsors of the activity, including the Future Movement, comrade Héctor Rodríguez, and all the technicians of the CIARA Foundation and the Ministry for Education, for organizing this training.

“To all of us who did a grain of sand. Let's see this workshop as our future, Venezuela is built by producing, doing it well, in a simple and easy way in our school, this is essential,” said Carrillo.

For his part, Saúl Osio, Deputy Minister of Training and Agrourban Culture, said that it was an open call, aimed at a diverse audience, “we have the participation of teachers who today are repowering the All Hands to the Sowing program run by the Ministry of Urban Agriculture and the Ministry of Education. In addition to this, we also have neighbors from various condominiums in Caracas who have decided to participate in this workshop and students from some high schools.”

Meanwhile, Roberto Boniello, specified that the workshop began with theory starting with photosynthesis, to learn how soils can be addressed organically and chemically, germination, transplantation and how to combat pests organically.

In this regard, Miriam Rojas, a resident of the parish of El Junquito, asserted that thanks to the workshop, her knowledge of planting increased. “I want to plant paprika on a piece of land that I have, I'm interested in learning more to be able to plant peppers.”

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