

Bolivarian Government handed over “Con Maduro+” Health Center in Aragua

An Achievement of the Bolivarian Government for the People
Photo: Internet

Published at: 09/06/2024 07:12 PM

In continuity with the health policies implemented by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro and through the 1x10 of Good Government, inhabitants of the La Democracia sector of the Girardo municipality, Aragua state, have a fully equipped health center for primary care for older adults, children and adolescents.

The health module will provide assistance in general medicine, geriatrics, pediatric and gynecology offices.

It also has dentistry, laboratory and ultrasound services available to the Town from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

The first national president, through the 1x10 mechanism of Good Governance, carries out the construction of other health centers “” in other sectors of the Girardot municipality such as 23 de Enero, Lourdes, La Pedrera and Campo Alegre, thanks to the support of the Popular Power to guarantee the greatest amount of happiness and well-being.

Decent Spaces for Recreation and Enjoyment.

At the same time, the delivery of “La Plaza del Estudiante” was fully rehabilitated and refurbished by the National Executive, which dignifies spaces for the town to carry out sports and recreational activities.

The inhabitants of the sector enjoy a soccer field with artificial grass, multipurpose space, biosaludable exercise area and juice tables for chess and dominoes. In addition, the iconic square has an open-air amphitheater with capacity for 200 people, which will serve to promote culture in the Andrés Eloy Blanco parish.

President Maduro has taken the lead in building spaces for joy and enjoyment for our people, where older adults can play and young people can play sports. These policies have not stopped despite the sanctions imposed on our country thanks to the efforts of the Bolivarian Government.

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