

Bolivarian Government funds planting 950 hectares of rice for Guárico producers

Jobs for the revival of the economy
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 02/02/2024 09:59 PM

The Bolivarian Government has awarded resources to 19 grassroots organizations of popular power in Calabozo, Francisco de Miranda municipality in the Guárico state. These are funding for rice planting through the Federal Government Council, for the harvest of more than 950 hectares of this category, during the North Summer 2023 - 2024 cycle.

The governor of the entity, José Vásquez, stressed that the financed hectares are in addition to the 43,000 that are estimated to be planted in the region during this productive period, expecting a yield of more than 6,650 tons, according to a press release from the Government.

Likewise, from my social network X, Governor Vásquez reported that “In the name of President @nicolasmaduro, we developed an excellent day of delivering technical aid through the 1X10 of Good Governance and now they go directly to the 15 municipalities. Providing solutions to the people motivates us to continue to dignify Guariqueños and Guariqueñas

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