

Bolivarian Government deploys the day of Barrio Nuevo Barrio Tricolor on January 23

The Government is making progress in actions that benefit the People
Photo: GDC

Published at: 31/03/2024 01:04 PM

From the Monte Piedad sector of the 23 de Enero parish, the Bolivarian Government deployed the Special Housing Rehabilitation Plan as part of the relaunch of the Barrio Nuevo Barrio Tricolor Grand Mission.

The information was published on the website of the Capital District Government, which detailed this action seeks to embellish and restore the facades of each house and thus guarantee families in these areas a good life.

The tour was attended by the mayor of the Libertador municipality, A/J Carmen Meléndez; the head of Government of Caracas, Nahum Fernández; the president of Barrio Nuevo Barrio Tricolor, Raúl Paredes; the president of the Great Venezuela Bella Mission, Jacqueline Faria and the Organized Popular Power.

In this regard, Meléndez specified that “the Gran Misión Barrio Nuevo Barrio Tricolor (GMBNBT) has more than 115,000 restored homes” and will continue to be deployed in sectors such as El Observatorio, Los Eucaliptos, Guarataro, Las Malvinas, Mario Briceño, and others.

For his part, the Head of Government noted that, “through the Caracas Patriota, Beautiful and Safe Plan, we continue to give attention to Greater Caracas, in neighborhoods such as January 23, creating conditions for the good life of the families of the country.”

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