

Bolivarian Government deploys Plan Love in Action day in Sucre

More than 900 people benefited
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 18/03/2024 04:29 PM

More than 900 people were served through the Missions and Great Missions System that was deployed in the community of Pantoño, Ribero municipality in the state of Sucre.

The day framed in the Love in Action Plan involved the Barrio Adentro missions, José Gregorio Hernández, the National Institute of Nutrition (INN), the National Council for People with Disabilities (CONAPDIS), the Somos Venezuela Movement (MSV), among other institutions that participated in order to guarantee peace of mind and protection to families who were victims of the economic war.

The specialists provided general medicine, pediatrics, vaccination and medication services, and the beneficiaries received free of charge all services aimed at strengthening the social welfare state of the vulnerable population.

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