

Bolivarian Government deployed the Tourist Police service during Safe Holy Week 2024

“Venezuela has 69 Peace Quadrants in tourism,” Ramírez said

Published at: 30/03/2024 06:46 PM

The Deputy Minister of the Integrated Criminal Investigation System, Humberto Ramírez, reported that with 1,200 men and women, the Tourism Service of the Bolivarian National Police Corps (CPNB), is deployed in the country's main points of interest during this Holy Week, in order to guarantee peace and tranquility for its own and visitors.

In the account of the social network X, of the Ministry of People's Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, he specified that Ramírez, to oversee the work of public security officials, visited the facilities of the Warairarepano Cable Car in Caracas, where he noted the development of preventive actions in the area.

In another message, the ministerial body indicated that the aforementioned space began operations in the early hours of the morning, to take those who wish to discover the natural side of Caracas from the Mariperez station to the top of the plant lung of the city.

Ramírez stressed that “Venezuela has 69 Peace Quadrants in tourism matters, protected by officials of the Bolivarian National Police Tourism Service, trained to guide tourists who visit these spaces.”

In the area of comprehensive crime prevention, it reported that members of the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC) and the National Service of Medicine and Forensic Sciences (SENAMECF) approached users to publicize prevention measures for computer crimes and human trafficking.

“We continue to work to protect and guarantee the safety of those who travel to different places of tourist interest; and to allow our own and visitors to enjoy the wonders of the capital city,” he said.

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