

Bolivarian Government deployed 5,500 officials in the Carnavales Seguros 2024 operation in Guárico

Authorities tour the entire entity
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 11/02/2024 09:01 PM

Around 5,500 officials from all Public Security agencies participate in the Carnival 2024 device in the state of Guárico.

José Vásquez, the first civil authority in the region, commented that the Carnavales Felices and Seguros 2024 device has more than 280 vehicles, 39 ambulances, three boats and 181 control points for citizen care.

The governor indicated that security forces maintain surveillance at the various tourist sites present in the 15 municipalities.

The Government of the entity reported that “these men and women are going to be deployed throughout the state. In each municipality there will be a team ensuring recreation, peace and tranquility,” he said.

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