

Bolivarian Government delivers rehabilitated CDI in El Junquito

Published at: 26/07/2024 07:44 PM

From the Sucre parish, the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, reinaugurated the CDI Agustín Codazzi, located at kilometer 23 of El Junquito.

Through direct satellite contact, the mayor of the Bolivarian Libertador municipality, Carmen Meléndez, took a tour of the facilities, in order to explain, together with the health workers, the services that will be offered to the town.

The “Agustín Codazzi” CDI was delivered and comprehensively rehabilitated for the benefit of the inhabitants of that town.

The President emphasized the importance of Community Military Brigades, highlighting their work in the midst of difficulties and how the 1X10 of Good Governance could reach the wounds caused by the sanctions.

“The 1X10 of Good Governance has allowed us to go, in a strategy that I call surgical, where the war wounds of sanctions and the criminal blockade are, because they took 99% of our income from one year to the next,” he explained.

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