

Bolivarian Government delivers a new lot of housing in Urbanismo Boleíta Sur (+Miranda)

Governor of the state of Miranda, Héctor Rodríguez handed over the keys to 24 houses in the Boleíta Sur urban development
Photo: Social Network X

Published at: 10/05/2024 04:30 PM

This Thursday, May 09, 24 homes were delivered in the Boleíta Sur urban development, in the Sucre municipality of Miranda state.


The keys to the houses were handed over by the governor of the state of Miranda, Héctor Rodríguez, in the company of the Minister of Housing and Habitat, Ildemaro Villarroel and the mayor of Sucre, José Vicente Rangel Ávalos.


“We are happy to continue making progress in housing. We have a great challenge in the Revolution that we have set ourselves, and that is that all families live in a decent home,” said Rodríguez.


In that sense, he argued that every time we manage to get a family to get out of difficult conditions and live in a house where they feel safe, “social happiness is built”.


Rodríguez also indicated that the next step for the families of Urbanismo Boleíta Sur will be to install the gas service, as well as the topographic and hydrological study for the construction of a water well.


For his part, the Minister of Popular Power for Housing and Habitat, Ildemaro Villarroel, said that the housing construction project will continue in the sector to favor more families.


The Minister emphasized that the houses were built by the people themselves under the modality of self-construction.


Villarroel highlighted that 70% of the homes that are being built today as part of the Great Venezuela Housing Mission are built by the people.


“This is a project for 100 homes, meaning that more homes are coming here. Rest assured that just as we finished and delivered these, our Governor Héctor Rodríguez and Mayor José Vicente Rangel Ávalos, have given us the instructions to continue with the other building,” he said.


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