

Bolivarian Government delivered drinking water tanks to families in the La Cruz sector of the Chacao municipality

These works have been possible thanks to the 1x10 of Good Governance

Published at: 03/04/2024 08:11 AM

The Ministry of Popular Power for Water Care, the Hydrological Ministry of the Capital Region (HIDROCAPITAL) and the Government of Miranda delivered, through the 1x10 system of Good Governance, tanks for water storage to families in the La Cruz sector of the Chacao municipality.

“The Bolivarian Government is working to recover the Tuy System, which used to produce 11,000 liters per second and now we are bringing them to 17,000. Our goal is to bring it to its maximum capacity of 23,000 liters per second and to be able to guarantee water to the entire population of Chacao, the Metropolitan Area and the entire state of Miranda,” said the Undersecretary of Water of the Government of Miranda, Karol Merchán.

According to a press release from the Government, 19 deep wells have been activated so far in 2024 of the 150 that are expected to be activated.

Freddy Gutiérrez, spokesperson for the community, thanked and recognized the policies being carried out by Governor Héctor Rodríguez to improve the quality of life in the population.

Also, Dorguis Solano, representative of the People's Power, expressed his gratitude to President Nicolás Maduro Moros and Governor Mirandino for the attention they have given to the sector.

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