

Bolivarian Government defines strategies to strengthen criminal and criminal investigations

From the facilities of the National Experimental University for Security
Photo: MPPRIJP Press

Published at: 31/01/2024 08:48 AM

From the facilities of the National Experimental University for Security (UNES), in Caracas, the Sectorial Vice President for Citizen Security and Peace, AJ. Remigio Ceballos Ichaso, held a working meeting with the regional and state directors of the Criminal and Criminal Scientific Investigations Corps (CICPC), as part of the 7 axes of transformation ordered by the National Executive for 2024.

“For criminal and criminal investigations, Venezuela depends fundamentally on the CICPC (...), but it is necessary to strengthen strategies and lines of action for 2024, as ordered by President Nicolás Maduro; and for this we have the third line of transformation, which is based on consolidating peace. Our main and fundamental objective as researchers is to guarantee and combat crime and law enforcement,” said the Chief Admiral.

In this regard, the Minister of Popular Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, stressed that, from the Bolivarian Government, specific lines of action are being taken forward, which will allow for the continuation of the consolidation of criminal and criminal investigations in the country.

“It is necessary that each of you, from your command post and battle with planning, set clear objectives to continue consolidating peace, based on the institutional tasks entrusted, to guarantee the protection of the people,” said Ceballos Ichaso.

He also confirmed that the fight is against crime and against those who intend to attack peace and security, “that is why it is necessary to guarantee a real investigation, which allows us to move forward in clarifying criminal acts and bringing those who face the law to justice.”

The meeting was attended by the Directors and Heads of Division of the Scientific Police, Heads of Strategic Regions of Criminal Investigation and Criminalistics; as well as the State Directors.