

Bolivarian Government benefits 1,500 Guariqueños with a medico-social day

Activity carried out in San José de Guaribe
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 31/01/2024 04:28 PM

The Bolivarian Government, within the framework of the Plan of Love in Action, served more than 1,500 people in the San José de Guaribe municipality of Guárico state with a full day of medical-social care.

Those present included general medicine, internal medicine, gynecological obstetrics, nutritional evaluation, pharmacy, drug delivery and veterinary medicine for pets. In addition , there was provision of technical aid and disability certification, comprehensive care for all age groups in the municipality and various activities related to the Missions and Great Missions System.

The activity was promoted by the Bolivarian Government through the Office of the Presidency, the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (CONAPDIS), the José Gregorio Hernández Mission Foundation and the Missions and Great Missions System.

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