

Bolivarian Government begins discussion in Caracas of the ordinance on the sale of vegetables and fruits

Coordination meetings for comprehensive care
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 29/01/2024 10:20 PM

Vendors from the Caracas Vegetable Fair began the discussion about temporary use in public and private spaces and areas, for agri-food activities in the form of trucks and fairs.

Approximately 80 spokespersons from the Vegetable Fairs and People's Power participated in the event. Walter Rivera, inspector of the Popular Street Economy coordination, explained that this draft ordinance seeks to regulate the sale of vegetables and fruits in public and private spaces in the capital city.
“This law seeks to favor all those who make a living at the vegetable fairs and trucks that ship the permitted items in the city of Caracas,” he said.

Among the peculiarities of this Act are aspects related to the occupation of public and private spaces in terms of temporality, care for those places, as well as social and fiscal contribution.

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