

Bolivarian Government begins approach in the Fénix Lara Penitentiary Community

They provide care to every prisoner of liberty in Lara
Photo: MPPSP Press

Published at: 25/03/2024 08:41 AM

The Bolivarian Government initiated a comprehensive legal approach for those deprived of their liberty in the Fénix Lara Penitentiary Community, as reported by the Minister of People's Power for the Penitentiary Service, VA. Celsa Bautista Ontiveros.

“This day consists of reviewing files, carrying out psychosocial evaluations, redemption calculations, and other attention according to each particularity of those deprived of their liberty”; announced the Minister, MPPSP press review

Bautista highlighted that the day includes the execution judges of the Criminal Judicial Circuit of the state of Lara, Prosecutors of the Public Ministry, Public Defense and a multidisciplinary team from the Ministry of People's Power for the Penitentiary Service (MPPSP), who are in the establishment to provide care to every prisoner of liberty.

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